Simple pricing you can understand
Number of pass templates + Number of active passes = Your monthly priceHow many different pass designs do you need?
How many NFC passes do you plan to install?
Every verified account receives $10 in free credits to start.
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Frequently asked
Yes! As an Apple and Google platform partner, we allow our customers to sign and issue NFC passes using our certificate. Once you get your own NFC certificate(s) you can swap in your Apple passTypeId and/or Google collectorId to your account so you can continue using our service as needed.
Our pass service will work with any Apple VAS or Google Smarttap compatible readers. Configuring these readers is a pain so we simplify this process when you purchase them through us. What’s more, if you go with our VAS NFC readers you’ll be able to manage and update them remotely over WiFi and not require a host PC.
The Apple and Google NFC passes do not behave like simple NFC cards with fixed UUID. They have payment grade security which means that every time you scan them you get a different code. The reality is that there is unique information encrypted in the codes however you need a VAS compatible scanner and the proper keys to decode them.
Yes! As an Apple and Google platform partner, we allow our customers to sign and issue NFC passes using our certificate. Once you get your own NFC certificate(s) you can swap in your Apple passTypeId and/or Google collectorId to your account so you can continue using our service as needed.
Yes. Our software for creating, updating, and validating passes is completely portable so you can access it from our AWS servers or host it inside your enterprise. You will need to set up some public endpoints to receive Wallet webhook calls so most customers choose to use our software for creating and updating passes and only run pass validation offline.
If you include a phone number via the phone-number
attribute or an email via the email
attribute, we will attempt to send a message with the pass to the provided contact and charge you $0.10.
For Apple passes, typically not with our self-service product - please reach out via chat support in the bottom right of the website if you'd like to open doors with your Apple passes. For Google, if your doors NFC reader is SmartTap compatible, then yes.
Here's what our customers think
“Having looked at the space pretty extensively, I recommend PassNinja to every company looking for novel growth and retention tooling. It's easy to use and the support is amazing!”
Kumar Thangudu
Engineer SF